Year: 1918
Runtime: 11 mins
Description: 6th Battalion, the Black Watch of 51st (Highland) Division collecting the men's packs between the Bois de Reims and St-Imoges, having just come out of line on 24 July. 1/5th Battalion, the Devonshire Regiment of 62nd (West Riding) Division, resting in the same wood on 24 July, with the sunlight on the leaves giving a dappled effect over the sleeping bodies. A nearby village after a German air raid, with American (?) troops clearing the debris while women and children watch. The view across the valley from the Bois de Reims on the same day, with British and Italian troops in the foreground. A field battery of Italian 8th Division in action while British and French troops watch. A posed group of British, French and Italian soldiers together. A British marching column, probably 8th Battalion, the West Yorkshire Regiment of 62nd Division. German prisoners help British and French soldiers bring wounded out from the wood on 23 July (the British are 2/20th Battalion, the London Regiment, of 62nd Division). German dead lying in the wood on 25 July. British, French and Italian lightly wounded posed in a group by a dressing station on the outskirts of the wood. British officers of 2/5th Battalion, the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry of 62nd Division consult with French officers over a map in the wood, and eat an outdoor meal with them - champagne is served. A distant puff of smoke rising from part of the wood, given as the Château Commetreuil near Cumas on fire on 25 July.
British involvement in the Battle of Tardenois, mainly in the Bois de Reims, Western Front, July 1918.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / British Army, Div 51 / British Army, Black Watch, 6th Battalion / British Army, Div 62 / British Army, Devonshire Regiment, Bn 1/5 / British Army, London Regiment, Bn 2/20 / British Army, Yorkshire Light Infantry, King's Own, Bn 2/5 / British Army, West Yorkshire Regiment (Prince of Wales's Own), 8th Territorial Battalion (Leeds Rifles) / Royal Italian Army & Div 8 / French Army / United States Army & American Expeditionary Force / society, British military - friendship / society, French military - friendship / society, British military - sustenance / prisoners of war, German - movement / casualties, British wounded - battlefield / casualties, French wounded - battlefield / casualties, Italian wounded - battlefield / operations, British military - routine / 01/3(4-15).91 [1918 Marne] / 01/3(4-15).91 [1918 Tardenois] / Bois de Reims, Marne, France / half-light / propaganda, British
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Production company: Topical Film Company
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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